Did you know… you can clean AND disinfect PET?
Proper cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in public spaces and offices has become increasingly important in the post-COVID environment.
Luckily, PET is made from recycled plastic water bottles – so not only is it capable of being properly sanitized it’s also extremely easy!
Follow these simple steps to disinfect PET:
Choose one of the recommended disinfectants*.
Mist the surface of the material with a hand spray applicator. Apply generously.
Allow material to air dry.
*For disinfection, common household EPA-registered disinfectants should be effective.
*Please refer to the EPA-approved list of products effective against the virus that causes COVID-19.
*A diluted solution of household bleach (at least 1000 ppm sodium hypochlorite) can be sprayed on. Prepare a bleach solution by combining 1/3 C bleach per gallon of water. Bleach solutions will remain effective for a time period of up to 24 hours.
Dust and Dirt Removal
If there is visible dust or dirt embedded in the material, use a bristle brush to loosen it. Avoid excess pressure.
Vacuum loose dust and dirt thoroughly from the material.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Remove any loose dust and dirt (see above).
Pat any spills as soon as possible to avoid liquids from absorbing into the material.
Apply a mild detergent or soap and water with a hand spray application. Avoid over-soaking the surface.
Allow the surface to air dry.
Stain Removal
Saturate a lint-free cloth with a mild detergent or soap and water solution.
Gently pat the stain starting from the outer edge and moving inward.
If required, get another cleaning cloth and repeat the procedure until there is no more transfer of dirt to the cloth.
Once the stain is removed, soak up all remaining cleaning solution with a dry cloth.
Use a clean cloth or sponge soaked in water to remove any other residue.
Allow the surface to air dry.